Your Easter and Passover plans likely look a little different this year. With large gatherings on hold due to social distancing, here are a few creative ways to connect remotely with family and friends over the holiday (and over tea!):
- Create and share a playlist for a friend on Spotify or Apple Music
- Meet online for tea! If you have a friend you normally meet for tea, share a cuppa over Facetime or Skype. Keep it casual or make it special by turning it into a mini tea party. Order some treats for delivery from a local café or bake your own. Choose your tea (if you’re looking for a classic with a twist, try something like Raspberry Earl Grey). Lastly, pick out your favourite cup or mug, then brew, sip and enjoy! If you plan your tea party in advance, you and your friend can order the same teas to enjoy, while also comparing tasting notes.
- Have a virtual egg-dyeing workshop and try your hand at dyeing eggs with tea and herbs using this step-step-by-step guide. Send photos to each other after to see how the eggs turned out!
- Plan and host a virtual brunch or dinner with a common menu (homemade or takeout) so everyone is eating the same thing. Coordinate a time that works for everyone, prop your laptop, tablet or phone up at the table and enjoy your meal together over Skype or Facetime. Don’t forget an after-dinner tea! A blend with peppermint, like Ginger Mint Comfort, helps with digestion after a big meal.
- Enjoy a post-dinner movie night by hosting a Netflix Party. Playback is synched so everyone is watching at the same time, and there is even a group chat feature!
- Plan a long walk with a friend. Grab your headphones and enjoy the conversation while getting some fresh air. Or, take an online fitness or yoga class together – some studios are hosting live classes.
- Surprise someone with a fun delivery from their favourite local business
Planning special virtual activities gives us something to look forward to and allows us to stay connected during a time when it’s important to stay apart.
What do you have planned for Easter and Passover? Let us know in the comments!