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Our Tea Sommelier’s top 5

Our Tea Sommelier’s top 5

To help you celebrate Hot Tea Month by discovering some new and exciting teas, we asked our Tea Sommelier, Alicja, for her top five picks from the Shanti collection.

Discover a new matcha latte

Discover a new matcha latte

Matcha is wonderfully smooth, creamy, slightly sweet and grassy. It’s delicious in its pure form (with water) and it makes a stellar, even creamier tea latte.

Holiday blends, gift ideas and memories

Holiday blends, gift ideas and memories

There’s something about the holidays – and those weeks leading up to them – that feels a bit magical. It’s a time of year filled with excitement, nostalgia, tradition and, most importantly, family and friends.

Slow sipper: Warm up with Blueberry Tea

Slow sipper: Warm up with Blueberry Tea

Cooler weather calls for hot tea cocktails – the ones that warm your cheeks up, sip by sip. Perfect after dinner, or while cozied up by the fire, tea puts a fun twist on the classic slow sipper.

Matcha smoothie ice pops

Matcha smoothie ice pops

Looking to super-charge your morning smoothie for the last days of summer, and hopefully a warm fall? Add matcha and turn it into an ice pop!

Superfruit iced tea pops

Superfruit iced tea pops

Sip into summer with these fun iced tea pops! Made with Superfruit, one of our herbal tea blends, these pops are fruity, juicy and refreshing. The kids will love them too and you can adjust the sweetness level to suit your taste.

Cool down with iced tea cubes

Cool down with iced tea cubes

With the weather heating up, iced tea season is in full swing. And while there’s nothing quite as refreshing as a perfectly brewed cup of iced tea (maybe with a squeeze of citrus), if you’re looking to up your iced tea game, try cooling down with iced tea cubes!

Iced London Fog with Cold Froth

Iced London Fog with Cold Froth

If you’re a fan of the London Fog, or Earl Grey tea latte, try this seasonal twist for spring and summer. It’s like an iced London Fog, but with cold froth/foam on top. Before you stir, the cold froth sits on top of the tea, looking a bit like clouds, while infusing your iced tea latte with creaminess.

Teas for allergy relief

Teas for allergy relief

Pollen is relentless and unapologetic. The constant itching, sneezing, watering eyes and runny nose is not exactly how we envision celebrating the start of spring (or fall), but it’s often a reality, thanks to seasonal allergies.

Dial it in: Water temperature by tea type

Dial it in: Water temperature by tea type

If you want to up your tea game, water temperature is a good place to start. Together with tea quality and steeping time, water temperature is one of the most important factors involved in brewing a perfect cup of tea.

Bring the cabane à sucre to you, with maple teas!

Bring the cabane à sucre to you, with maple teas!

It doesn’t get any sweeter (or more Canadian) than maple season! Every year from February-April, farmers in eastern Canada extract the sugary sap from trees to produce maple syrup. According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada produces 85% of the world’s maple syrup!

One tea, five ways

One tea, five ways

This could be the gateway tea that tempts even the most resolute coffee drinker to give up their morning cup of joe.

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